2010 is getting closer and closer. I know it, you know it, Karl knows it. The difference is that his way of showing it is an extravagant one.
While we were buying champagne and firecrackers, Karl jumped behind the camera again and shot the amazing pre-spring/summer collection for Chanel.
Starring models Lara Stone and Baptiste Giabiconi (Karl's muse, the very one who posed with only a Chanel blazer and high-heeled shoes), the short movie showcases Chanel clothes, as well as a Chanel motorbike.
I hope you'll enjoy both the movie and the New Year! May all your wishes come true! And remember: Karl is watching, you demode ones!
Look what I found this morning, in my daily 'haunting for Chanel/Karl stuff'. They created The Chanel Popcorn! Ok, maybe just the Chanel Popcorn bags, but don't you get the idea? Popcorn has officially become FASHIONABLE! Karl is thumbs up on eating it. So eat as much popcorn as you can this year, because next year it will be extremely out-of-date.
"I spent my whole life trying not to be careless. Women and children can be careless. But not men."
That’s just one terrific quote you will hear if you see Coppola’s masterpiece, ‘The Godfather’. It is said that nothing can be flawless, but this movie certainly comes close to perfection. ‘The Godfather’, based on the novel with the same name, by Mario Puzzo is more than a simple gangster movie. It’s a classic built of diverse, yet connected stories, which all lead to the magnificent whole, the definite conclusion. To put it simply, the movie is centered on Don Vito Corleone, The Godfather, head of the mafia family in America. The family is drawn into a war after the Don refuses to take part in the drug businesses. After he is shot and Sonny, his eldest son is killed, the control of the family passes to Michael. Michael is Don Vito’s youngest son, who wants nothing to do with the family business and aspires to become a powerful man through politics. But his destiny is to be the next Godfather. Along the movie, we can see that Don Vito (played by Marlon Brando) is a very complicated gangster. He believes he is not a killer and puts his family above everything, saying that ‘A man who doesn't spend time with his family can never be a real man’. His sympathy for his son Michael is unspoken, yet well-know. Although Don Vito is the leading character, the one with the most screen time is Michael, played by the brilliant Al Pacino. One of the most impressive things in the movie is to observe Michael’s transformation from an ‘innocent’ to the central manipulator; to see how the one who claimed to be different from the rest of the family becomes even more ruthless than his father. Another thing that caught my attention is the manner in which the director, Francis Coppola starts and finishes the movie. It all begins with the scene of the wedding, the moment when we all start a ‘family’, and it ends with a baptism, where Michael becomes ‘The Godfather’ and officially replaces his father. The movie has won three well-deserved Oscars, along with several other awards for acting, directing and music. The acting is superb, with very deep characters played by Marlon Brando, who has attained the status of a legend with his well-known quote: ‘I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse’, James Caan or Diane Keaton. We mustn’t forget about Al Pacino, who, although this wasn’t his most demonstrative performance, has made a wonderful job as Michael Corleone. All in all, I believe this is one movie which will never get old, and I definitely recommend you to see it. ‘Thank you, Godfather.’
‘The girl was playing the music with such soul because she knew she was going to die. And am I not going to die? Where is my soul that I might play the music of my own life with such enthusiasm?’
This is a though question, but a good one indeed. It’s asked by a girl. A simple girl. Just like me. Just like you. Just like everyone in here. Her name is Veronika, she’s 24 years old, she lives in Slovenia and is the protagonist of the book ‘Veronika decides to die’. Our Veronika thinks that she has lived her life and that continuing it will only lead her into misery. That’s why one day she decides to die (hence the title) and chooses the clean way – an overdose of sleeping pills. A failed attempt lands her in Villete, a psychic ward, where she finds out she only has 5 more days to live. That’s when the heroin’s inner debates start. She thinks how she never did something out of place, never got mad, never lived in the heat of the moment! She just surrendered to the society’s perceptions and did whatever seemed the right thing to do. While in Villete, Veronika begins to question the idea of madness and gets to the conclusion that actions which may appear insane to someone can be completely justified to someone else. She then meets some people, among who is Edward, a schizophrenic whom she falls in love with. Veronika quickly learns that love is the biggest risk that humans take and that life is worth living. She is eager to live those last days of her life as if they were a miracle. The girl starts playing the piano, she ‘voices’ her frustrations, her anger and hurt, but also her love and most intimate desires, that were stuck insider her for 24 years, because she was ‘sane’ then. In her fourth day at the psychic ward, the couple decides that it’s better for them to escape, to live their last day together. But what will be the surprise that stands by the corner? And has Veronika really learned her lesson? Between surrender, love and insanity, what do you think will best define her life, before and after those 5 days?
“Lucruri bune despre domnul Ripley? S-ar putea sa-mi ia ceva timp. Tom este talentat. Tom este bland… Tom este frumos...Tom e un mister. Tom nu este un nimeni. Tom are secrete pe care nu vrea sa mi le spuna si mi-as dori s-o faca. Tom are cosmaruri. Asta nu este un lucru bun. Tom are pe cineva care sa-l iubeasca. Asta e un lucru bun. Tom ma striveste. Tom ma striveste...Tom, ma strivesti!”
Acestea sunt doar cateva randuri din fascinantul roman al Patriciei Highsmith, “Talentatul domn Ripley”. Cartea va va soca si va va face sa fiti tulburati. Protagonistul, Tom Ripey, este atat de complex, iar pustiirea pentru care se razbuna este atat credibila, cat si tulburatoare. Povestea vietii pe care Tom o duce si cum aceasta se transforma din absurd in devastator cand destinul i-l scoate in cale pe Dickie Greenleaf face ca aceasta carte sa fie incredibil de intunecata. O poveste captivanta care iti va atrage atentia inca din primele randuri. Pe scurt, Tom merge in Italia pentru a-l gasi pe Dickie si a-l convinge sa se intoarca in America. Dar odata ajuns acolo, protagonistul realizeaza ca ii plac atat Italia, cat si banii lui Dickie. El vrea sa ramana acolo si va face orice ii sta in putinta pentru a obtine ceea ce-si doreste. La suprafata, Tom este un personaj bland, care duce o viata trista. Realitatea, insa, este cu totul alta. Tom este un ratat si un hot, un nimeni de 23 de ani, care traieste o viata plina de minciuni. Comite delicte pentru a obtine bani in mod gresit si isi traieste viata fugind de responsabilitati. In anumite puncte nu se pot intelege gandurile si actiunile lui Tom, autoarea facand portretul psihopatului criminal perfect. Dintre ecranizarile romanului, as spune ca cea a lui Anthony Mingella este cea mai resusita. Cu interpretari din partea lui Matt Damon (Tom Ripley), Jude Law( Dickie Greenleaf) si Gwyneth Paltrow (Marge), filmul este absolut fenomenal. Isi merita toate nominalzarile la Oscar. Ar tebui insa sa stiti ca filmul este mai mult o tragedie romantica, fata de carte, care este un thriller. Din punctul de vedere al lui Highsmith, Ripley este un anti-erou, insa Mingella il face sa para eroul cu ceva defecte, dar care reuseste sa evolueze de-a lungul romanului. Toate acestea fiind spuse, va sfatuiesc sa vedeti intai filmul, apoi sa cititi cartea pentru a-l intelege cat mai bine pe misteriosul Tom Ripley.
Hmm. You may be wondering who Karl is. Well, I'll give some clues: fashion icon, fingerless gloves, black sunglasses and the famous white ponytail.
Ok. I understand that not many people from Nobody's Land (aka Slatina) have heard of him, so I'm going to give the whole name. Karl Lagerfeld. The fashion genius, King of style and extravagance and last, but not least, the head designer at Chanel.
But although style is timeless, people behind it are not. And no matter how unique he is, our beloved Karl makes no exception to the rule. It is rumored that today is his 76th anniversary, but only the man himself knows if that's really true.
Anyway, I just wanted to wish him a very 'Happy birthday!'. Or should I say 'Bon anniversaire!'? 'Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!'?
So, today i woke up in a very Guns N' Roses mood. Don't know what hit me, but Slash's image came into my mind and i have to say: Have you seen this guy's hair?! Magnificent! I wonder how can he still maintain it like this.
I know that when many people say 'Guns N' Roses', they think about Axl Rose, but what i think about is biiiig hair, great music, tight leather pants, amazing tees and gorgeous jeans jackets! (Slash's jackets, of course.)
But, talking about their music, if you don't know any song of theirs, you should start listening from now on! I'll recommend you my favorite, 'Don't Cry (Original)', but you can always go with the famous ones, like 'Sweet Child O'Mine' or 'Welcome to the Jungle'.
I really don't know whether this article is about GN'R, fashion or simply Slash. I'll let you choose it. In the mean, here are some pics with the crazy haired guys.
By the way, have you noticed that Slash's checked shirt from the last pic is the same one he wore in MJ's video, 'Give In To Me'? (Which is my second favorite song from MJ - Wonder why?)
Although Anna Sui announced a long time ago that she'll be creating a Gossip Girl inspired line, I thought it's better to announce you a few days before it comes out.
So, the line will be released in Target stores and online on the 13th of September and it will have 19 looks, all inspired by the 4 female characters from the TV show Gossip Girl. I have to say that this is a big chance for us, girls to get such nice clothes at prices under 150$.
Beneath, you can see the pictures with the looks sorted by character. So enjoy them and let me know what you think. Would you buy this?
The King of Pop, Michael Jackson just left us. HE was a great man & musician, an inspiration for most of us.
In the next days there will be said many things about him. Some people will say good words, some won't. I say we should keep the impression we had about him and not let the grumblers spoil Michael's memory.
'Why should we read?' That's what most people are asking themselves. I think we all should read so that we pass through life with a bit of knowledge. But what do we read? Books, magazines, newspapers. Comic books and reviews. Fairytales, if you want. The important thing is that we need to stop throwing books away and shut down the computer. Reading is what we all need to form our own culture, to have a decent conversation and to understand things. Someone once said it all begins with a word. A word can mean more than a thousand actions; we say 'Mom' when we are babies, we say 'Yes' when we marry and 'Goodbye' when we die. It all begins and ends with a word. Let's not waste the magic of all those works that stay in the library and wait for us. Let's not wait for the teacher to force us read! All we have to do is to find something we like: romance, drama, horror - it doesn't matter what our tastes are. And, in the end, you will see how it all works. You are going to feel better after reading something instead of staying several hours playing on the computer.
Daca as fi ‘a celebrity’, probabil in momentul de fata m-as interna la “Promises”(clinica de dezintoxicare) pe motiv de oboseala. La scurt timp “m-as vindeca”(presa va sti ca m-am saturat sa fiu inchisa acolo si am evadat), m-as urca in Mini Cooper-ul meu cel galben si as merge la Apple sa-mi cumpar un nou iPhone. Apoi as merge la Neiman Marcus, iar geanta Yves Saint Laurent ar fi ca o gura de apa dupa o saptamana in desert. O ora mai tarziu as conduce pana la Starbucks, cu catelul atarnand la fereastra masinii, uitandu-ma in oglinda, calcand un paparazzo si lovindu-mi masina nou cumparata. Dar nu conteaza, voi fi fericita, pentru ca vizita la reabilitare m-a readus in atentia publicului, iar actiunile complexe si obositoare de astazi ma vor pune pe coperta celor mai importante reviste de barfa in doar cateva ore. Misiune indeplinita!
`Cred ca muzica insasi poate vindeca. Este o expresie exploziva a umanitatii. Este ceva ce ne atinge pe toti. Indiferent de cultura din care provii, cu toii iubim muzica`.(Billy Joel)
Suntem ca niste note printre alte note, nu putem iesi; tot ce putem face este sa asteptam sa vina timpul si sa ne cante. Sau sa cantam noi hit-urile care au facut inconjurul lumii in anul 2008. Aici puteti afla care au fost asii anului care tocmai a trecut, predictiile anului 2009, dar si cate ceva dspre nou-venitii pe piata muzicala. Tin sa va amintesc faptul ca acest sondaj nu este subiectiv, el fiind facut pe baza topurilor muzicale si a vanzarilor de albume/single-uri.
Retrospectiva muzicala a anului 2008
*Artistul Anului: Leona Lewis
*Albumul Anului: Duffy – ‘Rockeferry’
*Cantecul Anului: Katy Perry – I kissed a girl
*Reveniri: Britney Spears, Take That, Blur
* Despartiri: The Police, Spice Girls
*Debutantii Anului: Kings of Leon, The Script, Lady GaGa, The Ting Tings
* Film Muzical: ‘Mamma Mia!’, ‘High School Musical 3’
Perspectiva muzicala asupra anului 2009
*Artistul Anului: The Killers/ No Doubt/ The Prodigy
*Albumul Anului: Depeche Mode- ‘Sounds of the Universe’/ The Prodigy – ‘Invaders Must Die‘/ 30 Seconds to Mars – ‘This is War ‘
*Cantecul Anului: The Killers – Human/ Kings of Leon – Sex on fire
*Reveniri: No Doubt, Limp Bizkit, Green Day, Blink-182
* Despartiri: The Cheetah Girls
*Debutantii Anului: Ke$ha, Lady Hawke, Pixie , Hana Pestle
* Film Muzical: ‘The Soloist’
Kesha (a.k.a.Ke$ha/ K$) este una dintre cele mai asteptate cantarete ale anului 2009. Desi putini au auzit de ea, blonda din Nashville a compus pentru mai multi cantareti cunoscuti, cum ar fi Britney Spears, Katy Perry sau The Veronicas, iar printre colaboratorii importanti se numara JK Rotem si Dr. Luke. Mai nou, o putem asculta in noul single al rapperului FloRida, ‘Right Round’, o melodie hipnotizanta, care cu siguranta va cuceri topurile. P.S.: O puteti vedea si in videoclipul lui Katy Perry- I kissed a girl.
Ascultati: *Kesha- Radio Radio Radio
*Kesha – Backstabber
*Kesha - A Bad Girl's Lament
Lady Hawke. Copilul unui tobosar si a unei cantarete, tanara cantareata din Noua Zeelanda a facut cunostinta cu muzica de la o varsta frageda. La 11 ani incepe sa cante la tobe, la 14 ani la chitara, iar la 18 isi formeaza propria trupa. Urmeaza o serie de concerte si de schimbari de trupa pana a se ajunge la proiectul ‘Lady Hawke’. Muzica ei este puternic influentata de cea a anilor ’70-’80, ea insasi definindu-si stilul ca unul unic, care tinde sa aiba vibratia ‘tristetii fericite’ pe care clasici anilor ’80 au resusit s-o impuna.
Ascultati: Lady Hawke – Paris is burning
Lady Hawke - My Delirium
Lady Hawke – Dusk till dawn
‘I think music in itself is healing. It's an explosive expression of humanity. It's something we are all touched by. No matter what culture we're from, everyone loves music.’ (Billy Joel)
We are like notes among notes, we can’t get out; all we can do is wait for time to come and play ourselves. Or to play us the hits heard across the world in 2008. Here, you can find out who were the past year’s aces, the predictions for 2009 and also something about the rookies of the year.
Nous voyageons, ainsi nous vivons. Nous recherchons de nouvelles expériences, ainsi nous existons. La vie est courte, et nous sommes un mélange d'expériences, de souvenirs, de gestes, de pensées et d’intérêts.
Je peux dire que j'aimerais habiter à Paris. Il y a cent raisons pour lesquelles les gens aiment Pais. Mais si vous me demandez pourquoi je veux vivre là, je dirais en raison de ces rues minuscules et de ces magasins d’autour de blocs. Je ne pense pas que le Louvre soit en tant impressionnant comme les rues. Peut-être c'est parce que les rues sont la vie, quand les musées sont des collections d'histoire. J'aime l'art, mais les antiquaires et la petite épicerie sont faits pour des personnes ; ils émanent beaucoup de bon goût et d’humanité. Et, naturellement, le Tour Eiffel est l'une des attractions principales de la ville.
‘You know what I think? I think that we're all in our private traps — clamped in them — and none of us can ever get out. We scratch and claw but only at the air, only at each other. And for all of it, we never budge an inch.’
Norman Bates is the main character in Hitchcock’s movie ‘Psycho’. At first, he seems just the ‘boy-next-door’ type of guy, who owns a cheap motel and lives with his mother. Only that the mother doesn’t exist anymore, she’s only a part of Norman’s imagination. Because of the fact that he poisoned her, he decides to compensate her absence, by saving her body, preserving it and even trying to talk in her voice. But can he handle the all too different personalities? He fells in love with a client, Marion, but soon, the Mother’s personality intercedes and so Marion ends up by being stabbed with a kitchen knife while taking a shower. That’s when we understand that the Mother’s personality took over quite often, leaving Norman lost in the labyrinth of his mind. All in all, Norman Bates was a very complex psycho-killer character and a good thing to know is that his personality was inspired by one of America’s most dangerous killers, Ed Gein.
‘Out of order, I show you out of order. You don't know what out of order is, Mr. Trask. I'd show you, but I'm too old, I'm too tired, I'm too fuckin' blind. If I were the man I was five years ago, I'd take a FLAMETHROWER to this place! Out of order? Who the hell do you think you're talkin' to? I've been around, you know? There was a time I could see. And I have seen. Boys like these, younger than these, their arms torn out, their legs ripped off. But there isn't nothin' like the sight of an amputated spirit. There is no prosthetic for that. You think you're merely sending this splendid foot soldier back home to Oregon with his tail between his legs, but I say you are... executin' his soul!’
And that is only one of the terrific quotes that you will face if you decide to see ‘Scent of a Woman’. Despite the title and the fact that there will be a woman, I think that the movie is about the journey a man takes from childhood to adulthood. The teenager, played by Chris O’Donnell is just a kid that saw some students setting up a prank that went very wrong and now the school administration is trying to pry out what Charlie knows. He is hired to take care of Frank Slade (played by Al Pacino) a weary retired Army Lt. Colonel, who through an accident looses his sight and his way of life. The interplay between the two characters is mind blowing. There have been many critics about Pacino’s play in ‘Scent of a Woman’, but we must accept the fact that the performance is an extraordinary one. He is both intolerable and completely lovable in this Oscar-winning role of a lifetime. He overpowers each sentence he speaks, each gesture he makes and forces himself to be in the center of attention in every scene he appears. His character has a lot of funny quotes, he can smell the perfume of a woman (hence the title of the movie) and even though he is blind, he makes one the most dramatic and full of passion tango scenes of all times. All in all, ‘Scent of a Woman’ is masterful piece of work. The character development is perfect, the dialogue terrific and the story line makes the audience feel all the right emotions at the right turns and has great drama. ‘Whoooah!’ I’ll give a BIG 10! Worth seeing it!
And so begins Chuck Palahniuk's exceptional novel ‘Fight Club’. If the above lines don't already send you rushing off to the bookstore, keep reading. Chuck Palahniuk is one of those writers you either read completely fascinated or you hate. There are no compromises in his case. The words strike you right with the accuracy of a spyglass; the impact is nondescriptable. ‘Fight Club’ is an angry book. There is very direct narrative, very short and simple dialogue. The story is told to us through the first person perspective of the main character, but his name is never revealed. We have men drawn to Tyler and his ‘Fight Club’ because they feel alive only when they fight, and it is only through Tyler that they feel loved. Indeed, Tyler gains sort of a cult following his every command, and our narrator is no different. When the narrator sees that men are starting to die, he tries to stop the very thing he’d created with Tyler, and that’s when things go downhill, ending with mayhem and destruction. Is the movie worthwhile? Absolutely. See the film then read the book? Yes, in this order. The adaptation of ‘Fight Club’ for the silver screen is absolutely phenomenal, carrying memorable quotes and scenes from Brad Pitt and Edward Norton and toning it down just enough to make it palatable to audiences. I highly recommend this book. Not only that you feel an immense cathartic pleasure, but you will also find an author that writes in an unconventional manner and proves highly successful.
Slatina is just a place somewhere in the world. Maybe it’s a lot like your world, maybe it’s nothing like it. But if you look closer you might see someone like you. Someone trying to find his way; someone trying to find his place; someone trying to find himself. Sometimes it’s easy to feel like you’re the only one in the world who’s struggling, who’s frustrated, or unsatisfied or barley getting by. But that feeling’s a lie and if you just hold on, just find the courage to face it all for another day, someone or something will find you and make it all okay. Because we all need a little help sometimes; someone to help us hear the music in the world, to remind us that it won’t always be this way. That someone is out there and that someone will find you.
‘I think music in itself is healing. It's an explosive expression of humanity. It's something we are all touched by. No matter what culture we're from, everyone loves music.’ (Billy Joel)
Kesha (a.k.a.Ke$ha/ K$) is one of the most expected female singers of 2009. Although only a few have heard of her, the Nashville blondie has written many songs for singers like Britney Spears, Katy Perry or The Veronicas and among her most important contributors we can find JK Rotem and Dr. Luke. Now, we can also hear her in FloRida’s new hit, ‘Right Round’, a very catchy song, which undoubtedly is going to be No.1 all summer. P.s.: Kesha can also be seen in Katy Perry’s ‘I kissed a girl’ music video.
You should listen to: *Kesha- Radio Radio Radio *Kesha – Backstabber *Kesha- Boots and Boys *Kesha - A Bad Girl's Lament
Where can you find her: www.myspace.com/keshaishot www.facebook.com/pages/Kesha/45761569458
Vacanta de primăvara - dragostea e in aer. Sau e doar un amestec de Chanel no.9 si Gucci Rush? Hmm…E vreo diferenţă? Blair se muta cu Serena, redevenind cele mai bune prietene. Dar va rezista oare prietenia lor sau vor sfârşi prin a-si smulge una alteia parul de curând vopsit? Si vorbind de „curând”, in ultimul timp Nate se joaca de-a Nate-cel-Frumos cu noua sa iubita nebunatica, Georgie. Dar, cu siguranţă va primi mai mult decât se aşteaptă atunci când va ajunge in Sun Valley cu Georgie, Blair si Serena. Înapoi in Manhattan, Jenny îşi petrece timpul cu misteriosul ei iubit, iar Dan îşi plânge de mila la Biroul de Critica Literara din New York. Si Vanessa, aşteaptă, aceea e Vanessa făcând cumpărăturile la Barney’s cu un tip intr-un tricou Lacoste? Copacii sunt înfloriţi, iar elita New York-ul este gata pentru o vacanta cu adevărat scandaloasa!
In acesta carte, Jenny devine un personaj destul de des întâlnit, inocenta ei fiind captivanta, ceea ce o face un personaj unic. Constantul miorlăit al lui Blair, deşi este amuzant, poate deveni enervant uneori; gelozia pe care Serena o simte fata de Blair si egoismul fata de fratele ei mai mare este total imatur. Nate pare sa-si fi pierdut ceva din personalitate din cauza faptului ca nu mai prizează, ceea ce mă face sa mă gândesc daca nu cumva e mai atrăgător când e drogat. Iar Dan are o cu totul noua personalitate care te face sa nu-l placi – ceea ce e o surpriza, întrucât el a fost întotdeauna un personaj atrăgător. Prezentarea părinţilor hippie ai Vanessei este oarecum enervanta, iar Erik este un personaj cat se poate de blazat. Dar toţi se completează atât de bine, ca nu te poţi abţine de la a citi cartea din coperta-n coperta dintr-o răsuflare. „Gossip Girl” rămâne in continuare plăcerea vinovata perfecta!
Iubim “Gossip Girl”! Sunt destule bârfe, trădări si răutăţi pentru a asasina personajele întregii populaţii a Manhattan-ului. Dar totul este făcut deasupra unei încântătoare ceşti de latte slab in drăguţă cafenea din vecini. Aceste fete ar putea sa scrie reportajele lui Carrie din “Totul despre sex” in somn. (Elle Girl)
He stepped out of the shadows and walked toward me. My eyes scanned the darkness, the impenetrable shadows of the street. The sky suddenly darkened. Time made no sense as I walked and walked. It was seconds passing, but also hours. Maybe it felt like time passed so hardly because the road looked the same no matter how far I went. I started to worry that I was traveling in a circle, a very small circle at that, but I kept going. How much was it until I was going to find a person or a place were I could be safe?
For a moment, I paused without thinking and as I looked over my shoulder to glare at the angry clouds, I realized that he was walking quietly like twenty meters behind me. As it grew darker and darker, I fell once. I did not look back as I got up, too afraid of seeing him getting closer. And after a while, relief came across my face. I could see a house was there. I was absolutely sure I knew it, but I just couldn’t remember were from. But that was the last thing it mattered. Would I really be able to get there before he’ll get me? I started running as fast as I could to reach the door, to feel the handle touching my hands.
And when I finally entered the house, I was shocked. He was just there, a few feet away from me, arms folded, looking at me with a big grin. It was in that instant when I realized that this isn’t going to stop EVER!