Saturday, March 14, 2009

Finding Rock’n’roll-Land

‘I think music in itself is healing. It's an explosive expression of humanity. It's something we are all touched by. No matter what culture we're from, everyone loves music.’ (Billy Joel)

Kesha (a.k.a.Ke$ha/ K$) is one of the most expected female singers of 2009. Although only a few have heard of her, the Nashville blondie has written many songs for singers like Britney Spears, Katy Perry or The Veronicas and among her most important contributors we can find JK Rotem and Dr. Luke.
Now, we can also hear her in FloRida’s new hit, ‘Right Round’, a very catchy song, which undoubtedly is going to be No.1 all summer.
P.s.: Kesha can also be seen in Katy Perry’s ‘I kissed a girl’ music video.

You should listen to: *Kesha- Radio Radio Radio
*Kesha – Backstabber
*Kesha- Boots and Boys
*Kesha - A Bad Girl's Lament

Where can you find her:

Recenzie - 'Gossip Girl - I like it like that'

Vacanta de primăvara - dragostea e in aer. Sau e doar un amestec de Chanel no.9 si Gucci Rush? Hmm…E vreo diferenţă? Blair se muta cu Serena, redevenind cele mai bune prietene. Dar va rezista oare prietenia lor sau vor sfârşi prin a-si smulge una alteia parul de curând vopsit? Si vorbind de „curând”, in ultimul timp Nate se joaca de-a Nate-cel-Frumos cu noua sa iubita nebunatica, Georgie. Dar, cu siguranţă va primi mai mult decât se aşteaptă atunci când va ajunge in Sun Valley cu Georgie, Blair si Serena. Înapoi in Manhattan, Jenny îşi petrece timpul cu misteriosul ei iubit, iar Dan îşi plânge de mila la Biroul de Critica Literara din New York. Si Vanessa, aşteaptă, aceea e Vanessa făcând cumpărăturile la Barney’s cu un tip intr-un tricou Lacoste? Copacii sunt înfloriţi, iar elita New York-ul este gata pentru o vacanta cu adevărat scandaloasa!

In acesta carte, Jenny devine un personaj destul de des întâlnit, inocenta ei fiind captivanta, ceea ce o face un personaj unic. Constantul miorlăit al lui Blair, deşi este amuzant, poate deveni enervant uneori; gelozia pe care Serena o simte fata de Blair si egoismul fata de fratele ei mai mare este total imatur. Nate pare sa-si fi pierdut ceva din personalitate din cauza faptului ca nu mai prizează, ceea ce mă face sa mă gândesc daca nu cumva e mai atrăgător când e drogat. Iar Dan are o cu totul noua personalitate care te face sa nu-l placi – ceea ce e o surpriza, întrucât el a fost întotdeauna un personaj atrăgător. Prezentarea părinţilor hippie ai Vanessei este oarecum enervanta, iar Erik este un personaj cat se poate de blazat. Dar toţi se completează atât de bine, ca nu te poţi abţine de la a citi cartea din coperta-n coperta dintr-o răsuflare. „Gossip Girl” rămâne in continuare plăcerea vinovata perfecta!

Iubim “Gossip Girl”! Sunt destule bârfe, trădări si răutăţi pentru a asasina personajele întregii populaţii a Manhattan-ului. Dar totul este făcut deasupra unei încântătoare ceşti de latte slab in drăguţă cafenea din vecini. Aceste fete ar putea sa scrie reportajele lui Carrie din “Totul despre sex” in somn. (Elle Girl)

Across the Bittersweet Sleep

He stepped out of the shadows and walked toward me. My eyes scanned the darkness, the impenetrable shadows of the street. The sky suddenly darkened. Time made no sense as I walked and walked. It was seconds passing, but also hours. Maybe it felt like time passed so hardly because the road looked the same no matter how far I went. I started to worry that I was traveling in a circle, a very small circle at that, but I kept going. How much was it until I was going to find a person or a place were I could be safe?

For a moment, I paused without thinking and as I looked over my shoulder to glare at the angry clouds, I realized that he was walking quietly like twenty meters behind me. As it grew darker and darker, I fell once. I did not look back as I got up, too afraid of seeing him getting closer. And after a while, relief came across my face. I could see a house was there. I was absolutely sure I knew it, but I just couldn’t remember were from. But that was the last thing it mattered. Would I really be able to get there before he’ll get me? I started running as fast as I could to reach the door, to feel the handle touching my hands.

And when I finally entered the house, I was shocked. He was just there, a few feet away from me, arms folded, looking at me with a big grin. It was in that instant when I realized that this isn’t going to stop EVER!