Friday, June 26, 2009

RIP, Michael Jackson.

This is one sad entry.

The King of Pop, Michael Jackson just left us. HE was a great man & musician, an inspiration for most of us.

In the next days there will be said many things about him. Some people will say good words, some won't. I say we should keep the impression we had about him and not let the grumblers spoil Michael's memory.

My condoleances to the Jackson Family.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Read. Contradict. Confute. Believe. Take for granted. Weigh and Consider!

'Why should we read?' That's what most people are asking themselves. I think we all should read so that we pass through life with a bit of knowledge.
But what do we read? Books, magazines, newspapers. Comic books and reviews. Fairytales, if you want. The important thing is that we need to stop throwing books away and shut down the computer.
Reading is what we all need to form our own culture, to have a decent conversation and to understand things.
Someone once said it all begins with a word. A word can mean more than a thousand actions; we say 'Mom' when we are babies, we say 'Yes' when we marry and 'Goodbye' when we die. It all begins and ends with a word.
Let's not waste the magic of all those works that stay in the library and wait for us. Let's not wait for the teacher to force us read! All we have to do is to find something we like: romance, drama, horror - it doesn't matter what our tastes are.
And, in the end, you will see how it all works. You are going to feel better after reading something instead of staying several hours playing on the computer.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

We all just wanna be big rockstars! [Don't take it too personal!]

Daca as fi ‘a celebrity’, probabil in momentul de fata m-as interna la “Promises”(clinica de dezintoxicare) pe motiv de oboseala.
La scurt timp “m-as vindeca”(presa va sti ca m-am saturat sa fiu inchisa acolo si am evadat), m-as urca in Mini Cooper-ul meu cel galben si as merge la Apple sa-mi cumpar un nou iPhone. Apoi as merge la Neiman Marcus, iar geanta Yves Saint Laurent ar fi ca o gura de apa dupa o saptamana in desert. O ora mai tarziu as conduce pana la Starbucks, cu catelul atarnand la fereastra masinii, uitandu-ma in oglinda, calcand un paparazzo si lovindu-mi masina nou cumparata.
Dar nu conteaza, voi fi fericita, pentru ca vizita la reabilitare m-a readus in atentia publicului, iar actiunile complexe si obositoare de astazi ma vor pune pe coperta celor mai importante reviste de barfa in doar cateva ore.
Misiune indeplinita!

Finding Rock’n’roll-Land [The Original Version]

`Cred ca muzica insasi poate vindeca. Este o expresie exploziva a umanitatii. Este ceva ce ne atinge pe toti. Indiferent de cultura din care provii, cu toii iubim muzica`. (Billy Joel)

Suntem ca niste note printre alte note, nu putem iesi; tot ce putem face este sa asteptam sa vina timpul si sa ne cante. Sau sa cantam noi hit-urile care au facut inconjurul lumii in anul 2008. Aici puteti afla care au fost asii anului care tocmai a trecut, predictiile anului 2009, dar si cate ceva dspre nou-venitii pe piata muzicala. Tin sa va amintesc faptul ca acest sondaj nu este subiectiv, el fiind facut pe baza topurilor muzicale si a vanzarilor de albume/single-uri.

  • Retrospectiva muzicala a anului 2008
*Artistul Anului: Leona Lewis
*Albumul Anului: Duffy – ‘Rockeferry’
*Cantecul Anului: Katy Perry – I kissed a girl
*Reveniri: Britney Spears, Take That, Blur
* Despartiri: The Police, Spice Girls
*Debutantii Anului: Kings of Leon, The Script, Lady GaGa, The Ting Tings
* Film Muzical: ‘Mamma Mia!’, ‘High School Musical 3’

  • Perspectiva muzicala asupra anului 2009
*Artistul Anului: The Killers/ No Doubt/ The Prodigy
*Albumul Anului: Depeche Mode- ‘Sounds of the Universe’/ The Prodigy – ‘Invaders Must Die‘/ 30 Seconds to Mars – ‘This is War ‘
*Cantecul Anului: The Killers – Human/ Kings of Leon – Sex on fire
*Reveniri: No Doubt, Limp Bizkit, Green Day, Blink-182
* Despartiri: The Cheetah Girls
*Debutantii Anului: Ke$ha, Lady Hawke, Pixie , Hana Pestle
* Film Muzical: ‘The Soloist’

Kesha (a.k.a.Ke$ha/ K$) este una dintre cele mai asteptate cantarete ale anului 2009. Desi putini au auzit de ea, blonda din Nashville a compus pentru mai multi cantareti cunoscuti, cum ar fi Britney Spears, Katy Perry sau The Veronicas, iar printre colaboratorii importanti se numara JK Rotem si Dr. Luke. Mai nou, o putem asculta in noul single al rapperului FloRida, ‘Right Round’, o melodie hipnotizanta, care cu siguranta va cuceri topurile. P.S.: O puteti vedea si in videoclipul lui Katy Perry- I kissed a girl.

Ascultati: *Kesha- Radio Radio Radio
*Kesha – Backstabber
*Kesha - A Bad Girl's Lament


Lady Hawke. Copilul unui tobosar si a unei cantarete, tanara cantareata din Noua Zeelanda a facut cunostinta cu muzica de la o varsta frageda. La 11 ani incepe sa cante la tobe, la 14 ani la chitara, iar la 18 isi formeaza propria trupa. Urmeaza o serie de concerte si de schimbari de trupa pana a se ajunge la proiectul ‘Lady Hawke’. Muzica ei este puternic influentata de cea a anilor ’70-’80, ea insasi definindu-si stilul ca unul unic, care tinde sa aiba vibratia ‘tristetii fericite’ pe care clasici anilor ’80 au resusit s-o impuna.

Ascultati: Lady Hawke – Paris is burning
Lady Hawke - My Delirium
Lady Hawke – Dusk till dawn


‘I think music in itself is healing. It's an explosive expression of humanity. It's something we are all touched by. No matter what culture we're from, everyone loves music.’ (Billy Joel)

We are like notes among notes, we can’t get out; all we can do is wait for time to come and play ourselves. Or to play us the hits heard across the world in 2008. Here, you can find out who were the past year’s aces, the predictions for 2009 and also something about the rookies of the year.

Paris, je t'aime!

Nous voyageons, ainsi nous vivons. Nous recherchons de nouvelles expériences, ainsi nous existons. La vie est courte, et nous sommes un mélange d'expériences, de souvenirs, de gestes, de pensées et d’intérêts.
Je peux dire que j'aimerais habiter à Paris. Il y a cent raisons pour lesquelles les gens aiment Pais. Mais si vous me demandez pourquoi je veux vivre là, je dirais en raison de ces rues minuscules et de ces magasins d’autour de blocs. Je ne pense pas que le Louvre soit en tant impressionnant comme les rues. Peut-être c'est parce que les rues sont la vie, quand les musées sont des collections d'histoire. J'aime l'art, mais les antiquaires et la petite épicerie sont faits pour des personnes ; ils émanent beaucoup de bon goût et d’humanité.
Et, naturellement, le Tour Eiffel est l'une des attractions principales de la ville.